Is Window Washing a good side hustle?

Is Window Washing a Good Side Hustle?

Window washing has become an increasingly popular side hustle option for those looking to earn some extra money.

The relative flexibility and low start-up costs make it an appealing business to run on the side. But is it actually a viable and profitable side hustle?

Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding if window washing is right for you:

Key Takeaways

Window washing can make for a profitable side hustle business that is relatively easy to start for those who meticulously track costs, team up to ease workload, set boundaries around schedule, and refine skills to increase efficiency over time.

It offers great hourly income but also comes with physical demands that make it more suitable for certain individuals.

Pros of Window Washing as a Lucrative Side Hustle

Low Initial Investment and Operating Costs

Most basic window washing equipment like squeegees, scrapers, and cleaning solutions can be purchased for less than $150. A ladder, bucket, and transportation may be the only major additional investments needed depending on existing assets.

Flexible Schedule

Window washers can build their clientele and choose to work during early mornings, weekends, after a separate full-time job, etc. The flexibility makes it ideal to be scheduled around existing availability and commitments.

High Earning Potential

Experienced residential window washers can make $30-50 per hour. Those just starting out can expect to earn a respectable $25 per hour quickly, with the potential to earn even more over time.

Cash-Based Payment

Unlike businesses that rely on invoicing or digital payments, window washers are most often paid upfront in cash immediately upon completing a job. This provides instant access to money earned.

Quick Skill Acquisition

While extensive training is not necessary, basic window washing skills like use of equipment, safety protocols, efficient techniques can usually be picked up quite quickly within a few weeks of practice. This allows one to get up and running on starting a side business faster.

Downsides to Consider

Physically Intensive

Hours of climbing ladders, using muscles to apply pressure while cleaning, leaning and squatting to reach difficult spots can take a heavy toll on the back, knees, shoulders over time without proper precautions.

Impacted by Weather

Light rain or extreme heat can suddenly halt plans to complete work for a day. In colder climates, winter months may mean no work at all depending on freezing temperatures.

Insurance Requirements

General liability insurance policies to protect in case of property damage or injuries will be necessary startup costs to operate legally, these can cost several hundred dollars annually.

Transportation Needs

Travel between homes and businesses will add significant mileage and gas costs over time. Early morning or late evening work may be required to service residential clients availability adding complications.

Final Verdict on Viability

If someone has the physical capability and enjoys flexible outdoor work, window washing can end up being an extremely lucrative side business given the high hourly earnings potential with just a small initial time and monetary investment.

However, restrictions weather may impose on working hours along with physically taxing work without proper precautions could make it an unsuitable option some.

With clear expectations, window washing can be a great manual labor side hustle but it depends greatly on one’s personal situation and comfort with the demanding aspects of the work.

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